About us

Cleaning Experts

Living in an environment full of dust can cause indoor air pollution, and having surfaces like rugs and carpets cause serious problems for people having respiratory diseases. Therefore, to maintain good quality air, you need to make sure that these surfaces must be clean.

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Carpet can be cleaned at home by oneself, but it will not eradicate all the dust particles from the carpet, so for this purpose, contacting a professional will be helpful. Prestige Carpet Cleaning will provide these services within affordable range and also make sure not to damage the quality of the carpet. 

First of all, the professionals will spray the carpet with a cleaning agent and then extract dirt and cleaning solution. After this, comes the splashing of carpet with conditioning agent, which further helps in removing dirt, chemicals and moisture. Last, place the carpet in the exact place and place corner guards to protect the walls of the house. Upon request, carpet stain protector can be applied. Prestige Carpet Cleaning  will also place tabs under furniture to protect the fabric of the carpet. Contact us and our professionals will be happy to help you.

Why Choose us

Assess your carpet

Determine price

Corner-guards are used to protect the walls of your home


Move furniture as needed *

Pre-spray with a carpet cleaning agent

Extract dirt and cleaning solution

Rinse with conditioning agent

Extract dirt, chemicals and moisture

Carpet grooming **

Apply a carpet stain protector (upon request)

Place tabs under furniture to protect carpet

Complimentary plastic shoe covers

Complimentary lifetime bottle of spotting solution

Urine Odor & Stain Removal

We also offers high-quality urine decontamination services. Pet urine stains in carpeting is an issue that requires in-depth cleaning treatment. Without proper treatment, it can lead to foul odour and permanent stains. Schedule your free in-home cleaning today and you can get back to loving your pets, your carpets and your home!

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